Significant Reviews

By Janice Cousteau:

Dear Alicyn, Thank you so much for sharing your very interesting story. It was kind of you to remember me. Best of luck in your future endeavours seems you are on a successful road forward.

By Annaliese S:

This is a fascinating book about a complicated childhood. The author from the heart. I can't wait for the sequel. I hope there is one!¬¬

My book was recently reviewed by Jan Cousteau

My book, Nyika, I Love You, was recently reviewed by EarthEcho International’s cofounder, Jan Cousteau. She thanked me for the copy, praised the book’s story and shared warm wishes for my successful career.

I received an uplifting review for my book

I received a fascinating review on Amazon for my book, Nyika, I Love You. The reviewer Praised my writing and showed anticipation about the sequel. The review is shared here.